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Защо да направим инвестиция в недвижими имоти в България

Why invest in real estate in Bulgaria?

Feb 16, 2024
Investing in real estate is one of the most popular ways to diversify an investment portfolio. Bulgaria is one of t ...
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Динамиката на пазара на недвижими имоти в гр.Пловдив

The dynamics of the real estate market in th...

Jan 26, 2024
In recent years, the real estate market in the town of. Plovdiv has experienced remarkable growth in recent years, ...
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Великден интересни и забавни факти

Interesting and fun facts about Easter

Apr 11, 2023
Easter is a holiday that both children and adults look forward to! It’s not just a celebration of cossacks, c ...
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Какво стои зад 14-ти февруари

What’s behind February 14

Feb 13, 2023
Valentine… This is not a typical Bulgarian holiday, but in recent years it has been gaining popularity in Bul ...
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Брокер на недвижими имоти

10 benefits of using a real estate agent to ...

Feb 03, 2023
It is true that anyone can buy a property and even peek inside without officially signing a contract with a real es ...
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Ексклузивен договор за недвижим имот


Aug 23, 2022
Who tries to save hundreds of levs, loses thousands! Find out what these contracts mean and how they can be extreme ...
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297836489 417073310487872 3685362777421679145 n e1659969367959 1170x0 c center

What determines prices in the property marke...

Aug 08, 2022
Thank you for your active interest in our articles. One of the latter pieces sparked a heated discussion in the com ...
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dinamikata 36

We are more than a real estate agency

Jul 14, 2022
Focus Real Estates is here for you and your business in difficult times. In the footsteps of a fresh case study. It ...
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dinamikata 37

A story about..the endless patience of the b...

May 31, 2022
A story about turning a problem property into a property with perfect documentation? Easy! Do you think that it is ...
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dinamikata 38

What is the mass demand right now in the pro...

May 23, 2022
The most sought after options on the property market The first half of the year is coming to an end. This means tha ...
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